
Adams Leclair to Present 2nd Annual Construction Update in October

September 6, 2024

The litigation law firm of Adams Leclair LLP presents its second annual Construction Law Update at a half day conference on October 8, 2024.

Registered participants will attend two workshops and enjoy a luncheon featuring keynote speaker Joe Hogan, Vice President of Associated General Contractors based in the Albany NY. office.

“Many construction companies are eager to hear more about the  private work prompt payment law so Joe will focus on that,” offered partner Anthony Adams.  “He will also have the latest on registration for public work, and NYS prevailing wage updates. It’s great to have an Albany insider with Joe’s background, sharing insights on regulations coming from state government that really impact contractors upstate.”

After arriving for a light breakfast, attendees will be invited to a session on labor and employment issues affecting the construction industry. Project Labor Agreements (PLA) in private work, private prevailing wage under the Inflation Reduction Act, and the new EEOC guidance on worksite harassment issues will all be addressed by attorneys from the Adams Leclair Construction Law team. 

The second session will focus on project delays, delay claims and liquidated damages, including surety perspectives.  There will be time for questions and answers.

The conference is free to registrants and will be held at the Country Club of Rochester, 2935 East Avenue, Rochester. It is recommended for worksite managers and project managers, plus C-suite administrators.   

Register here


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